2010-2011 55m Training

sun nov 7

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-2200m circuit

2:00 erg warm up
a. 5x5 bench@180/185
a. 3x8 lat pull down (wide grip)@135
b. 3x8 each db biceps curls (alt)@40/35
b. 3x8 lateral raise@25
2 min abs circuit
light stretch

some microstreching (i didnt finish yesterday)

-i went to the mall yesterday to restock on my supplements, so for the month of november (or at least til thanksgiving) i will be drinking a protein or wegihtgainer/creatine shake and taking a multivit when i wake up, sometimes a creatine shake an hour pre work out or so, and a weightgainer/creatine shake postworkout, then zma before bed. i still have some protein powder left, but im switching to a massgainer because i seem to be stuck at 150 as far as weight, and i think being a little thicker would benefit me. plus having more carbs immediately postworkout should help recovery

mon nov 8

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
-3x30m blocks r:3’
grass speed:
-2x70yd 3pt r:7’
-1x300m 3pt r:15’
-1x250m blocks relaxed

1 min jump rope
a. 3x5 high pulls@185#
a. 3x10 single leg db calf raises@100#
b. 3x5 squat@315#
b. 3x10 rdl@135
c. 2x30 each x-band
c. wrist stretching
light stretch

-because of limited training time tomorrow, and the fact that lower weights takes me the longest, i switched lower weights to today and my core circuit to tomorrow
-i timed my last 30m blocks. ran a 4.16 (i taped it and a friend used computer software to time me from first movement through crossing the finish). this run didnt feel as good as the second one, but according to the time transferrer i used, that’s like a 6.5h 55m. if im at that point already, im pretty happy, since i want to run a 6.4h (also, i believe at this point last year my partner was handtiming me in the 4.1x-4.2x range, so that means ive improved by probably .2 just over 30!

tues nov 9

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit
100 contacts plyos

2:00 erg warm up
-each high cable twists@50#
-sit ups@85#
-side bends@95#
-stomach vacuums
light stretch

-100 plyos is too many, i usually start seeing a decline in their quality around 50 so i plan on only doing 50 from now on
-doing lower weights and speed in the same day killed me, i will try to not have to double the two again

wed nov 10

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit

2:00 erg warm up
a. 5x5 bench@185/180
a. 3x10 lat pull down@135*/125
-each twist medball throws
-each medball side slams
-medball sit up chest pass
light stretch

thurs nov 11

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
-5x40m 3pt r:4’
grass speed:
-1x400m 3pt r:15’
-1x200m 3pt relaxed

human flags (2 holds and 3 reps each)
-ab rollouts
-stomach vacuums
-db incline bench@60
-each one arm row@70
-overhead tri ext@60
-each db biceps curls (alt)@35
-lateral raise@22.5
-incline flys@35
-db shoulder press@40/35
-seated row@125#
-bentover raise@22.5/20
lights stretch

-i wouldve done the 40’s and 200 with blocks, except my hs track had a football game going on, so i didnt have access to blocks. i went to another track and just did 3pt
-the 40s felt shorter than ever! not sure whther this means im running that much faster, or whether im just more relxed, but either is good to me!

fri nov 12

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-2200m circuit
50 contacts plyos

1 min jump rope
a. 3x5 high pulls@185/190
a. 3x10 each single leg db calf raise@100#
b. 3x5 squat@315
b. 3x10 rdl@135#
2x30 each x-band
wrist stretching
light stretch

-my legs were WASTED. hopefully this means my speed sesh yesterday was very effective
-i notcied my depth was creeping up in squats so i refraned from upping weight and will see where i am at after the first set next squatting day
-hammy soreness was minimal (11/13), just barely felt any, so i think i can increase the rdl weight a bit
-ive stopped listing rest intervals because i simplified and have made them all 3’ except for between speed runs (1’ for every 10m, or 15’ and loss of nausea for longer runs(150m+))

sat nov 13

4:00 jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit

2:00 erg warm up
a. 5x5 bench@185/180/175
a. 3x10 lat pull down (wide grip)@125
b. 3x10 each db biceps curls (alt)@40/35
b. 3x10 lateral raise@25/22.5
2 min abs circuit
light stretch

-didnt feel awesome in the weightroom, may be a result of this being my usual offday, training earlier in the morning than usual or even lingering tiredness from thursdays workout. the rest of my saturday is to be very low energy, and sunday is off, so hopefully by monday everything will be running smooth again
-rolled my ankle while doing the tempo. feels a little sore, but with 2 days+ rest (the rest of today, sunday and til 2:30 on monday) hopefully a little icing will do the trick

sun nov 14

ankle icing

mon nov 15

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
-5x60m blocks r:6’
-1x300m blocks

2:00 erg warm up
3 each human flag holds
-lat pull down (wide grip)@125
-db shoulder press@40
-each db biceps curls (alt)@35
-lateral raise@22.5
-decline pec flys@35
light stretch

ankle icing

-volume was a bit much on the speed, i meant to do a 200m on grass, but just didnt have it in me. i also lowered volume in the weightroom
-i taped one of the 60m runs through 55m, so ill have a time to post once i get it (6.93ish :frowning: granted, last year i never ran sub seven in my training runs on the outdoor track, and proceeded to run a 6.92 during my first camera timed run so not sure what to think)

tues nov 16

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit

2:00 erg warm up
-each high cable twists@50#
-sit ups@85#
-stomach vacuums
light stretch

ankle icing

-i talked with the friend i trained with last year and looked at some more articles and such and decided that i need to start unloading. the fact that all my general strength stuff have gone up so much, but my sprint speed hasnt has told me two things 1. i should start putting more emphasis on the sprinting because thats the only thing that hasnt improved significantly yet 2. i likely have been overtraining. because of this, i am going to take all work on my legs and heavy cns work easy for the next week, which will bring me into my track season. because i am far enough above required strength standards and my season is long enough to reload for a unload at the end of the season, i am going to really lighten my workload to try and get my body to catch up to the training, then ill unload to december break. ill reload during late december and early/mid january, then taper for the improtant meets mid late feb

tues nov 16

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit

2:00 erg warm up
-each high cable twists@50#
-sit ups@85#
-stomach vacuums
light stretch

ankle icing

-i talked with the friend i trained with last year and looked at some more articles and such and decided that i need to start unloading. the fact that all my general strength stuff have gone up so much, but my sprint speed hasnt has told me two things 1. i should start putting more emphasis on the sprinting because thats the only thing that hasnt improved significantly yet 2. i likely have been overtraining. because of this, i am going to take all work on my legs and heavy cns work easy for the next week, which will bring me into my track season. because i am far enough above required strength standards and my season is long enough to reload for a unload at the end of the season, i am going to really lighten my workload to try and get my body to catch up to the training, then ill unload to december break. ill reload during late december and early/mid january, then taper for the improtant meets mid late feb

wed nov 17

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
controlled speed:
-1x150m blocks r:5’
-1x200m blocks r:7’
-1x250m blocks

1 min jump rope
a. 3x2 power clean@135
a. 2x10 rev hyper@50
b. 2x6 squat@300
b. 2x10 each single leg db calf raise@85
2x20 each x-band
light stretch

-making it through 250m was tough. wanted some speed today, but im trying to unload for a bit so i dont die during the season as i believe i have been overtraining for a while
-all lower lifts were with easy weights today. squats, rev hypers and calves were heavy enough to feel a burn but not close to failure. power cleans just for the form, and the stretching must be working a little as catching it was comfortable, granted it was very light

thurs nov 18

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-2200m circuit

2:00 erg warm up
a. 3x8 bench@165#
a. 3x8 bb bentover row@135
-lat pull down (wide grip)@125
-db shoulder press@40#
-each db biceps curls (alt)@35
-lateral raise@22.5
-decline pec flys@30/35
2 min abs circuit
light stretch

-minor hip soreness today, legs felt tired but not sore. no speed til monday

fri nov 19

1 min jump rope
3x3 power cleans@165
a. 2x6 squat@300
a. 2x10 each single leg db calf raise@85
b. 2x10 rev hyper@50
b. 1x20 each x-band
200 medball twist throws
light stretch

-had limited time today, didnt have time to run. i will run tomorrow morning (just tempo)
-took video of power clean form, my knees come a little too far forward in my catch, i will try to fix this

sat nov 20

4 min jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-2200m circuit
3x5 each decline human flags

ankle icing

light stretch
light ankle massage

-trained in the morning, today was suppose to be an offday but i went light so i think ill be fine
-no soreness from leg lifts yesterday

sun nov 21

4 min jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit

2:00 erg warm up
a. 3x8 bench@165
a. 3x8 bentover row@135/140
-lat pull down (wide grip)@125#
-db shoulder press@45
-each db biceps curls (alt)@35
-lateral raise@22.5
-decline pec flys@35#
2 min abs circuit

ankle icing

some microstretching

-i will start increasing the intenisty of the bench and row, i would like to be doing sets of 3 in-season so for my last week or so i will drop back to sets of 5

mon nov 22

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
speed (indoors, rubber track):
-2x55m r:7’

1:00 erg warm up
1 min jump rope
a. 3x3 power clean@155#
a. 100 medball twist throws
b. 3x3 squat@300#
b. 2x10 single leg db calf raise@85#
c. 2x10 rev hyper@50
c. 20 each x-band
c. 50 medball throws
light stretch

ankle icing

-first 55 rep i told myself to not try too hard, and it felt very very fast, faster than i wanted it to be. then the second rep i tried hard and it felt much slower. might have found how much i need to relax in my first rep
-300 felt suprisingly good, i made it all the way through without really dying

tues nov 23

4 min jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-2200m circuit
50 contacts plyos

4:00 erg warm up
-each high cable twists@50#
-sit ups@85#
-each side bends@90#
-stomach vacuums
light stretch

-had no appetite today :p, hopefully thisll pass

wed nov 24

4 min jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit

2:00 erg warm up
a. 5x5 bench@185/180/175
a. 5x5 bb bentover row@145/150
-lat pull down (wide grip)@125
-db shoulder press@45
-db biceps curls (alt)@35#
-lateral raise@22.5
-decline pec flys@35/40
2 min abs circuit
light stretch

ankle icing

light massage

-appetite was a little better today, did not have a good day tuesday, so by tomorrow my eating should be fine again
-decent amount of oblique doms, slightly bothersome while benching

thurs nov 25

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
-5x10m blocks r:1’
-1x200m flying start r:15’
-1x400m flying start@~60s

2x6 squat@275#
light stretch

ankle self massage

-the gym i used closed early for thanksgiving. probably actually a good thing because this was a very high volume running day for me so taking weights easy was necessary
-it was very cold and windy today, so my 400 time was crap, and it didnt even feel so great so im not going to worry about it. i didnt get a time on the 200, but it felt the fastest any of them has felt so far
-when doing blocks i adjusted my blocks to a steeper starting angle and surprisingly this fixed some of the flaws ive been having. go figure, its usually the opposite
-some pectoral soreness today, funny how a submax 5x5 makes me much more sore than a max 3x8, when its only one rep more