tues nov 2
4 min jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1/2 2200m circuit
50 contacts plyos relaxed
2:00 erg warm up
a. 2x3,1x2.5 high pulls@185
a. 1x10,1x5 single leg db calf raise@100 r: 3-4’
b. 2x5,1x2 parallel squat@295
b. 1x10,1x5 rdl@135 r: 3-4’
30 each x-band
wrist stretching
-im going to practice for power cleans in season, so my high pulls are now up to my sternum as opposed to my belly button (where i was pulling them to before)
-honestly i just choose weights by plating convenience, while making sure not to pr or push the weights too hard