2010-2011 55m Training

sat aug 2

weigh in -> 145

some microstretching

-not sure if the lost weight is from muscle or what, because my strength hasnt gone down, but i am seeing more rib bones than ever, so it may just mean i have lower bf% now
-today ends my unloading/low volume/prep week for october training, ill be going full steam until about oct 22 now
-i plan to try using creatine this month. with the amount of tempo i do and my natural low body weight i think the strength increases i see will be worth the extra pounds from water retention. if i dont like it i wont continue use in novemeber. i do not plan to use creatine during indoor season
-on a more random note my triple broad jump is 30 ft, my vertical jump is 38-39" (my reach is 6’9" and i can grab a ten foot basketball rim) and i could probably squat 2x my bw to parallel for like 7 or 8 reps. i no these dont translate directly to running speed, but i seem to have the raw physcial capabilities to run some good times this year
-i plan to weigh in before octobers unloading week just in case i lost a pound or so from the lower volume

sun aug 3

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass speed:
-2x5x30m push up starts r:3’,7’
-2x4x20m flys r:2’,6’

1 min jump rope
a. 5x5 bench@170#
a. 4x8 lat pull downs (wide grip)@125 r:3-4’
b. 3x8 db biceps curls (alt)@40
b. 3x8 lateral raise@22.5 r:2-3’
2 min abs circuit
light stretch

-my acceleration position is slowly improving in the push ups starts. my heel recovery is low again and my contact time for the first couple strides is lengthening out again. i need to concentrate on hitting triple ext and maintaing a staright back still
-during tope speed my hip height isnt great, but i belive that once i get on the much harder track surface it will be much better than it is on the somewhat soft grass surface i ran on today. i have been working on posterior tilit of the hips while at top speed, so now i can cue stepping down and the stretch reflex is taking care of making my knees “hit th top”

mon aug 4

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit r:3’
100 contacts plyos

2:30 erg warm up
3 each human flags
1 min jump rope
a. 3x10 ab rollouts
a. 3x10 stomach vacuums
b. 2x10:
-incline db bench@60
-one arm row@65/70
-overhead tri ext@60/55
-db biceps curls@35
-lateral raise@20#
-incline flys@35
-shoulder press@40/35
-seated row@120/125#
-bentover raise@20
light stretch

tues aug 5

800m jog
stretch checks
grass speed:
-3x4x30m from push up position r:3’,7’
-3x3x20m fly r:2’,6’
3x30 sec marching a’s r:wb

1 min jump rope
a. 5x3 clean@185/190
a. 3x10 each single leg calf raise off ledge@100#
b. 4x10 quad flex
b. 3x8 rev hyper@60
light stretch

wed aug 6

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit
-2000m circuit
-1000m circuit

2:30 erg warm up
a. 5x5 bench@175#
a. 4x8 lat pull down (wide grip)@125# r:3-4’
b. 3x8 each db biceps curls (alt)@40
b. 3x8 lateral raise@22.5# r: 2-3’
2 min abs circuit
light stretch

-this is the first time my bench has gone up in a while, perhaps increasing the volume of work i put on my chest is working

thurs aug 7

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass speed:
-2x6x30m from push up position r:2.5’,5’
-3x3x20m fly r:2’,4’
50 contacts plyos

2:30 erg warm up
depletion push ups 50,23,16
depletion neutral grip pull ups 17,8,7
curl 21@50

light stretch

-i didnt have time to do core today, but i will tomorrow
-in my mind i did well on the depletion stuff bc i havent done them the day after a heavy upper day in a while

fri aug 28

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-3000m tempo ladder

1 min jump rope
2:30 erg warm up
a. 5x3 high pulls@215/220/225
a. 3x10 bb calf raise@245/255/265
b. 5x5 squat@310/305/300
b. 3x8 rdl@165
c. 3x10 each high cable twists@50
c. 3x10 sit ups@90
c. 3x10 each side bends@95
c. 3x10 stomach vacuums
light stretch

lower back massage

-i failed on my last rep of squats but 5x5 was easier to write. i usually dont push to failure but i think my cns was weakened by pring in the high pulls

sat aug 29

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass speed:
-1x3x60m from 3 pt stance r:4’,7’
-1x2x60m EFE (2,2,2) from push up position r:3’

2:30 erg warm up
a. 5x5 bench@180/175
a. 5x8 lat pull down (wide grip)@130 r:3-4’
b. 3x8 each db biceps curls (alt)@40/35
b. 3x8 lateral raise@25/22.5 r:2-3’
2 min abs circuit

light stretch

-usually saturday is my off day, but i cant train tomorrow so…
-my running volume was low because my lower body is having some severe doms. no injuries or anything but i dont want to over do it anymore than i already have, or go 4 days without any speed work
-i pred again in benching, next session i am sure i will make 5x5@180, so either the creatine is working wonders or i handled unloading then increasing volume well. either way im happy, the heavier my bench is the better i can use it as stimulus inseason

sun aug 30


-still very sore, guess this is why i dont usually run the day after squat

mon oct 12

4’ jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit r: 4’

2:30 erg warm up
3 each human flags
a. 3x10 ab rollouts
a. 3x10 stomach vacuums
b. 2x10:
-db incline bench@60
-one arm row@70#
-overhead tri ext@60#
-db biceps curls@35
-lateral raise@22.5
-incline fly@35
-db shoulder press@40
-seated row@130
-bentover raise@20#
light stretch

tues oct 13

4’ jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass speed:
-2x3x60m from 3pt r:4’,6’
-4x60m FEF (20,20,20) from push up position r:3’

1 min jump rope
a. 5x3 clean@195/200
a. 3x10 each single leg calf raise@110
b. 4x10 quad flexes
b. 3x8 rev hyper@50/55/65
light stretch

-i finally broke 200 in power cleans with good form :slight_smile:
-today is the first day i wasnt feeling sore from my lifting on friday, jeez squats can kill me
-im seeing pr’s all around in the weightroom, hopefully i can get this to transfer to the track

Happy Birthday Charlie
Love Ange and James

he is missed, happy bday charlie

wed oct 13

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit r: 4’
-2200m circuit r: 4’

2:30 erg warm up
a. 5x5 bench@180/175
a. 5x8 lat pull downs (wide grip)@130/125
b. 3x8 each db biceps curls@40
b. 3x8 lateral raise@25
2 min abs circuit
light stretch

-my benching session wasnt as good as sundays, but im way more exhausted after a day of school and running high volume tempo. as long as i improve week to week i dont think i need to worry

thurs oct 14

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass speed:
-2x2x60m 3pt r: 4’,8’
-2x3x60m FEF (20,20,20) push up r:3.5’,6’
50 contacts plyos

2:30 erg warm up
depletion push ups 47,20,17
depletion neutral grip pull ups 20,8,7
curl 21@50
a. 3x10 each high cable twists@50#
a. 3x10 sit ups@90
a. 3x10 each side bends@95#
a. 3x10 stomach vacuums

light stretch

-man the speed wasted both me and my partner today, we havent had many sprints over 30m so thats probably why
-my push ups went down, but my pull ups up… as long as my bench increases i guess the push ups arent overly relevant, but im still sore the next day, so i know im working hard…

Fri oct 15

800m jog
Stretch checks
Pre race
Grass tempo:
-3000m ladder

1min jump rope
A. 5x3 high pulls@225/230
A. 3x8 bb calf raise@265/270
B. 5x5 squat@310/305/300
B. 3x8 rdl@165#

-my legs were still exhausted from speed yesterday, so the fact that i still had my best squatting sesh ever was very encouraging

sat oct 16


sun oct 17

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass speed:
-3x100yd 3pt r:7-8’
-1x110yd 3 pt r:8’
-5x70yd EFE r:4-5’

2:00 erg warm up
a. 5x5 bench@180/185
a. 3x8 lat pull down (wide grip)@130# r:3-4’
b. 3x8 each db biceps curls (alt)@40
b. 3x8 lateral raise@25 r:2-3’
2 min abs circuit
light stretch

-i have never done a full out sprint over 55m before, so doing the longer sprints was interesting. my top speed felt fantastic, but my transisition phase felt kind of slow an i have trouble telling the quality of my starts unless im against others. hopefully the EFE’s will take care of me being uncomfortable with the upright acceleration phase
-my bench increased, finally, haha. i guess my weight sessions are better in the mornings

mon oct 18

800m jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit r: 4’
50 contacts plyos

1 min jump rope
a. 5x3 clean@185/190
a. 3x10 bb calf raise@275
b. 3x8 rev hyper@65/70
b. 3x10 quad flex
light strtech

wrist stretching

-i was having trouble catching the cleans today and felt some wrist pain, i will need to work on my arm/wrist ROM again like i did last fall
-i meant to do a 3x8 of calves, whoops

tues oct 19

4:00 min jog
stretch checks
pre race
grass tempo:
-1000m circuit r:4’
-2200m circuit r:4’

2:00 erg warm up
a. 5x5 bench@185/180/175
a. 3x8 lat pull down (wide grip)@135# r:3-4’
b. 3x8 each db biceps curls (alt)@40
b. 3x8 lateral raise@25 r:2-3’
2 min abs circuit
light stretch

wrist stretch and ice