Who to see?


who should i speak to about the effecs of a growth spurt? Should i go and see a physician? Ive been to see a chiropractor but they were no help.


Damn bro you tripping on this growth stuff.

I think its time for the birds and the bees talk.:slight_smile:

If its still bugging you that much, then yes I guess that would probably be the place to go, what are you concerned about now?

Just need to understand it more. It has had a massive impact on my performance and i need to know how to get back on track

thought u were in college?

yeah, im 21. Grew at 16 (ALOT). Stil recovering though i think

Go get tested and lets move on…!


thats 5 years plenty of time to recover dude

No, you aren’t still recovering from the growth spurt anymore.

Either you’re fast, or you’re not. If you’ve been training and healthy, then your performances are indicative of your ability.