There was a post in the Doha: new WR thread directed to Charlie that said
…after all we do know that Gatlin’s coach uses much of your training system.
How is this known?
There was a post in the Doha: new WR thread directed to Charlie that said
…after all we do know that Gatlin’s coach uses much of your training system.
How is this known?
i heard a rumor that Charlie also wrote training programmes for Monty.
But as i said that was just a rumor-dont know if Charlie said it or whatever. Maybe he uses CFTS or a similar program, but normally every coach has his own and every athlete needs special treatment.
Maybe Charlie could give some short answers about it…
I have copy of the CFTS and when I was in high school I watched Marion and Tim train and what they did over the spring was nothing like what I read
I[ve seen Gatlin’s training and it is high quality and high intensity so in this respect it is similar to CFTS. Realise that CF is a major source of info on training but that doesn’t mean everyone uses exactly what he has published because every athlete is different… which from what i can tell is why Charlie doesn’t like to hand out “training plans”.
“Outsiders” like us won’t find out what was going on and Charlie won’t tell you much about it as it is a delicate matter he choose not to discuss on this board - sg I can understand very well.
If you see the pressure that was put on the athletes by press and the sponsor NIKE telling the truth can only do harm to the athletes.
Fact seems to be that Monty and Marion wanted to leave Graham after season 2002 and consulted Charlie for a short time.
For more info a simple search in google will do…
If you want to find out more about Charlies view on Grahams training you might want to start here:
At what point does a program become something different? I use the CFTS book as my guide for training and recovery but what I saw on the NCSU was nothing like I read and it didn’t look organized. Again I shouldn’t argue on a forum called!!!
my training programm isnt CF excactly either, but its the philosophy and methodology behind it imho, not the excact training volums and excersise selection. That is individual.
for excample, for the most part i can tolerate three speed seesions per week but only two weight sessions.
the third day i do some 1-2 reps maintenacne weights.
that seems to work for me. So its the principles of the matter that…well matter:p
I use Chalrie’s program as best I can. I mean c’mon let’s face it, it works. I completely agree with you TC about every athlete being different and therefore no two program will be exactly alike. I do what I can to use Charlie’s Vertical Integration philosophy with my athletes.
Charlie’s stuff has been ripped off so many times without his getting credit for that it is ridiculous. The exact workouts aren’t what makes a program like Charlie’s…it is the philosophy behind the whole thing. And in using that philosophy with each individual athlete, good things happen.
Meeting quality people such as Al Vermeil and Derek Hansen who admit that Charlie is a huge influence on their programs is a delight, but also a rare occurence. I love what Al says about the ideas he uses, “If there was an original thought in my head, it would be lonely.” It’s the same for me.
Anyone else want to admit that Charlie’s stuff is the foundation for their program? The man should get the props he deserves.
Ditto here. In many scenarios, I would even say he is a pioneer in modern generation athletics. Personally speaking, I first heard of Charlie during my leisure periods at Drake Stadium in '87-88.
I’m sure that there will be those from this site that may go a separate way. However, we should always remember from whence we came, and not be apprehensive or ashamed to admit it as well.
Did I also read where Stephen Francis (Asafa Powell) or was it Graham that had his CFTS in a back pocket?
Can you post a link.
Sorry this was with my own eyes. But nothing special just flying 20s, block starts and speed endurance.
How long was there speed end. and how fast were they?
I agree, The philosohpy alone would allow even a basic program an average joe throws together to see considerable gains!