too much Calcium/Magnesium/Aminos ??? Please help me!!!

hey everybody,

i started training 6 weeks ago seriously.
After GPP i did a 3-1-3 and i wasnt able to do any sprints the first 3 weeks, just weights increased :mad:

I had muscle problems, in my left hamstring the most:

If i m doing drills they are getting very sore, after 3-6 steps.
I dont know what it is (now since 1 week)- i thought about a light strain or sth like this, but its a mixture between the feeling of a strain, just sore and a cramp.

Its very strange…

My idea was this: Maybe my supplementation isnt good.

I used to drink water with 1 Calcium-tablet at training and 1 tablet Magnesium after training.
Right after the workout i used to take liquid aminos.

Maybe there is too much of one of this suplements?

What is your training like? I wasn’t really sure what you were trying to say from your post. Your muscles are sore/strained? Why the calcium pre-workout?

sorry i should know this by now but what does it mean when people say 3-1-3 or other numbers.
sounds like ur pelvis may be out, go to a chiro.

Where do you live and how hot is it?

i have problems with my left hamstring, but its not a typical feeling of a sore or a strained muscle.
I thought there can be a overdose of calcium or other suplements, that cause the problems

Hamburg, Germany

At the moment we have got sth like 10°Celsius and thats nearly warm for us :frowning:

3 weeks hard and increasing training and 1 week with more rest and regeneration

Does it bother you when you do anything else or only when you sprint?

i can do tempos. But if i am going for >95% Sprints it hurts.

I mean can you feel it when you stretch or when you lift weights or at night in bed or going up stairs etc.

yes i can.

Today i made some hill-sprints for the first time and i hade to stop after 2 reps.

But the leg is getting better and i wasnt using any suplements.
So; maybe there could be a link… :confused:

Well then stop all supplements for a week or two and see what happens. Most supplements don’t really do much anyway.

are you trying to tell me that my Smilax isn’t just as powerful as GH??? JK

Seriously, go off everything for 2 weeks and see what happens. Then start adding things one by one.

just a q.
how is your regeneration regime, conrtrasr showers, massages etc.
that might get rid of some tension in your legs

i m doing contrast showers and sauna and EMS-Massage and massage regularly.
Now i am feeling like having a light strain.

One question: If you have a sore leg and and then you are doing tempos and stuff like that: The next step would be a strain, or?

And if i m right now doing tempos with a light strain, is there any danger for a pull, if i m running wuthout pain?