Do you have any thoughts on training golfers to improve power and flexibility?
Do you have any thoughts on training golfers to improve power and flexibility?
you tube mike pedersen thiss guy is good when it comes to golf exercises etc.i’m awaiting his latest dvd’s cause i’m a huge golf player
I spoke with Al Vermeil about this recently. He has done work for Titleist. They did some tests on the long driver athletes and found that the guys who had the longest drives had the best vertical jumps and med-ball throws. He even told me that they took a collegiate javelin thrower and taught him how to drive a ball, and he ended up winning some long drive competitions - because he had all the power requirements in place.
Most of the power in a golf swing is generated in the lower body. I can easily see how a javelin thrower would convert well into golf.
in golf once you start talking about power then the whole game goes wrong unless you totally understand the golf you always here the saying…“driving for show,putting for dough”!!! it is a total movement game and everything must be in place
vandett…its a total body movement not just 1 portion
What you are saying is obvious to anyone who knows golf. The original question was about power and power generation in golf is very mcuh dependent on the lower body. You can observe this at any driving range.
To advance this more, obviously a younger golfer (youth through early adult years) would benefit from the exercises mentioned previously.
What about for the senior golfers, many of whom have back issues from years of playing. What can be done to slow down the strength reduction that occurs with age? I haven’t been able to hear A.V. speak on this topic, does anyone have info?
Charlie, maybe this is something you and him and joint venture with in the future (seminar or video)
Tell that to John Daly. I heard he has a 10 inch vertical. That would definitely correlate with his 806 ft drive on an airport with questionable rolls. Imagine driving par 5’s in two on a real course hitting what long-distance drivers hit in actual PGA games who train all year round. (with legitimate clubs and balls) Is Vermeil going to take credit for the Daly too.
Yes it may help, but it is not the determing factor. The 49ers and bulls would still have been champions without Vermails help. He doesn’t understand that though. It’s just like the myth that squatting 600 pounds makes you a world-class sprinter. It doesn’t even garuantee you can run under 20 seconds for 100m. Im tired of all this hype/garbage, it makes me want to puke. Doesn’t at least one person get it.
Im tired of these good ol boy kiss-ass network clubs. All these pro coaches think there the greatest thing to ever come down the pipe and all their followers are like blind little sheeples. I say sheeples because they are like little sheep being led to the slaughter. If my whole life was spent on copying the experts and not expanding upon my own opinion then what would point be.
Even Charlie, shame on him. He should have stuck to guns and not went along with all this new hype that is being passed along. At least we will always have his old stuff.
Unfortunately the business of sports coaching, sports management, sports training…is basically nothing more than networking with the right people. How sad.
you are totally wrong vedette and there are coaches out there who can hit 200+ drives while sitting on a chair.this demonstrates that with proper turn and sequence you can hit a ball far.
over the winter time i will be using charlies med ball dvd to improve my strenght and power.this dvd i think has all elements there to improve both plus afterwards i will get on my explanar machine
Obviously because it’s from Muscle and Fiction, it’s a little screwy, but this guy is arguably the best long drive hitter in the world. he is a TANK.
Proper turn and timing trump everything in golf, from a power standpoint. But, given good technique, lower body strength is extremely important. Perhaps you have heard of the concept of hitting against a strong left side. The fact that somebody can hit 200 from a chair is nice, but those same guys probably hit 275 upright.
I would add rotator cuff work and plenty of flexibility work especially for the hips / lower back.
The principal role of the lower body in an effective golf swing is to provide a strong stable base which the upper body can coil around. This requires both strength and flexibility.