I was working out wednesday when i felt somethin in my hammie that made me stop running, our trainer told me it might be either strained or just sore from working out and i probrably need like 2 weeks rest, but i got states this saturday and nationals next!Anyone know what i can do for it?
REST… i had the same thing happen in practise had a race 14 days later…I rested until then but i still wasn’t ready apparently because I came out of my blocks and then boom i was on the ground. and out of training even longer, It hurts… take lots of rest and ice for the first little bit… but if it’s not ready to go before you run, dont push outself it’s not worth it.
any soft tissue/ART therapsits in your area? the twinge could be just the beginning. protect your investment
This is really not good…
Not to be smart -
But look in the archives (use the search facility) there is an excellent hamstring injury thread in there with all you need (and more).
Thanks for your help
Ghetto I am just coming back from a hamstring strain. I was out for 4 weeks. It would have been less had I not rushed the recovery. I was advised that it was a grade 1/low end grade 2 type. I felt the pain in the belly of the bicep femoris when I extended my left leg. Initially before the strain, I was experiencing a lot of tightness in the area just below where the glute starts and top part of the hamstring. Even with ice and hot water bottle stretches every day as well as massage, the tightness would
still be there.
Had I rested the strain and not rushed coming back and gradually got back into sprinting, I would have been out for 2 weeks and would have salvaged something of my indoor season.
The rehab programme I was put on has helped MASSIVELY. The programme was based around hamstring curls working on the concentric movement, lunges and deadlifts using a good weight that enabled me to strengthen the area with causing too much discomfort. Regular accupunture also helped.
I hope you find that useful…Would you rather sit out the indoor season or sit in the stands watching the outdoor season…Don’t make the same mistakes I did bro…
i strained my ham also on wednesday i think. Do you think EMS would help? What program?
Is ice and red light also useful?
i only got 2 meets left for indoor
Seems like an awfully tight timeframe to try to return, but it depends on severity. There are good protocols for this on this site. Generally, ice, massage, em pulses and light stretching are good for starters (first three days or so). Mach drills and very short sprints (10 meters) next, gradually building up by a few meters in subsequent sessions until you can get out to 30 meters or so without discomfort. Ice after workouts; heat at night and before training.
Years ago, I used to start rehab with easy jogging, then striding, longer sprints then shorter sprints and acceleration. I learned that was exactly wrong. You can do the short sprints much sooner than you would think because of the different muscle groups involved in acceleration rather than at top speed which is where the hamstring is more fully involved and extended.
Try to find a good physical therapist to get you through this, though. They can better assess what’s going on and recommend and direct the best treatment plan.
Its under … CharlieFrancis.com > Expert Discussion > Recovery and Regeneration
Title: The Definitive Hamstring\Muscular Recovery Post
got it checked out and its not a strain, its pelvic torque or somethin, but it was because i didn’t stretch enough. he said if i stretch i should be good to go
ok, question, if i put on a thigh wrap and wear 2 pair of compression shorts i cant feel any pain in my leg, is that good?
for one race that might be ok just to get through it, if you really need to run that race but to make a habit of it would be bad.
Always good not to feel pain. Do some short accelerations in practice with the wraps. If that works, take them out a little longer and keep progressing.
Your post seems to contradict itself. Rest… yet if you rest you may injure it and be out longer?
Resting an injury isn’t a very good idea unless it’s an overuse problem. The faster you can start using the muscle again the better off you will be. I’d start using EMS within 48 hrs post injury and then start strengthening it with exercises after that. Use ice as often as necessary.