POLICE will have holding cells inside Commonwealth Games venues for badly behaved spectators at next month’s Games.
Aside from terror concerns, the prospect of rowdy crowd behaviour is being taken seriously because, under sponsorship arrangements, full-strength beer, spirits and wine will be served at the Games.
Cricket crowds at the MCG have earned one of the worst reputations in the world for misbehaviour, and Victoria Police said a cell used previously inside the MCG would operate during the Games.
Others like it would be set up at other Games venues.
“There are facilities available at major Games venues for police to initially hold people arrested during the Games,” a police spokeswoman said. “After this initial period and depending on the offence, offenders will then be taken to an appropriate police facility.”
Melbourne 2006 chairman Ron Walker said he did not expect Bay 13-style antics.
“I think people will be on their best behaviour because of the huge international audience, everyone who buys a ticket will want to represent Melbourne to the world as a peace-loving place,” he said.
Victoria Police will increase patrols on public transport before the Games, with an increased presence by the dog squad.
Volunteer organisations such as the Country Fire Authority and the Country Women’s Association will get free access to Games events. Games Minister Justin Madden announced yesterday that 2500 tickets to morning athletics sessions would be given to each organisation.