Something to keep in mind...for idiots like me

As I understand it one of the main benefits of concentrated fish oils, i.e. 600mg EPA/DHA or above per gram is that the concentration has very positive physiological benefits. Obviously this would mean that its smart not too take it at the same time as an unconcentrated EPA/DHA omega 3 source such as flax seed oil. Well, not so obvious for me. Now that I’m separating the two I’ve begun to notice results that I think I can directly attribute to the fish oil.

what results have you noticed? and how have you been supplementing it?

Four Sears Lab in the morning now instead of before bed when I have my flax seed oil. After about three weeks it is definitely contributing to leanness, recovery’s too hard to tell without a better recording system that I use and because a lot of variables are changing at any given time. However I’m in a strength phase now and the gains have seen so unbelievable that I think that it has to be contributing, especially since many have talked about seeing this effect. I wasn’t even expecting a difference so I don’t think these were placebo.

For even bigger idiots like me, what is the benefit of separating them? Why separate concentrated and unconcentrated, and why do you need flax seed oil as well as the concentrated EPA/DHA. :confused:

As I understand it not a very high level of flax seed oil is EPA/DHA or converts to it, and much less than 600mg per gram, the level at which there are apparently positive physiological effects. Having them together sort of defeats the purpose of having the concentrated fish oil since they will most likely be utilized at around the same time and you will no longer be getting a concentrated source.

As for the other question I’m following Berardi and Clemson’s recommendations of about 33/33/33 PUFA:MUFA:SFA fatty acid ratio in the diet. Concentrated fish oils do not provide a large amount of Omega 3s as they are not a large caloric source.