Save Your Nutritional Rights Now!!!

and again: “Instead of making health care affordable they make it more expensive to take care of yourself…”

I think most of us have been out on the odd date where we were glad for the pill- and thought it was pretty good too!

I guess we can take that quote for what it was meant to be.

Sure why not. At worst they simply discount it and it cost you nothing.

Good point here. But I really don’t think so. Some companies are doing a fantastic job without the tighter restrictions :wink:

Well you have a point to a limit. What are your thoughts then about dehydrated fruits and vegetables that are put in a capsule?

Shelf time, for instance, can start to dwindle the potent antioxidant chemicals inherent in the food. Some of these processes can potentially circumvent that situation. Just something to chew on, or swallow with a glass of water for that matter.

But back to my original thought. Don’t you appreciate the opportunity to at least make that decision? By others consuming the vitamins it does not harm you. What if some day you changed your mind because you started to notice what is really happening in the soil of overcropped and under rotated fields. What if then you wanted to take a multi, or antioxidant bilberry, or milk thistle to aid your liver? But… this product now costs $50 for a two week supply.

yep, yep, that one for the book as well, please!

One major attempt by the “world order” is to make a universal supplement law that all countries will follow. One major point that it started on was to restrict serving size. Whatever that would accomplish I do not know. The way that I see it, if you want to take 1,000mg of vit c and the most they could put in a capsule is 200mg, well you would take five of them now wouldn’t you? How does that solve anything at all?

The second is to severely restrict the consumer options by making major restrictions as to what has to be done prior to bringing a product to the market. Now this is the time when consumer must use their brains. If you are not sure about a product, then don’t take it. When or if this goes through, you are looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years to get a nutritional product approved. I have opinions on both sides of the fence here. It will help good products come to the market, but it will also drastically limit the potential nutrients that will be available at the same time. But what happens with the works that are then required, is a drastic increase in price as well. If somebody is going to do research, they are going to want to protect that investment. That is done through patents and suing the heck out of anyone that even comes close to it. Even without major law changes, that is one way for consumer to lose out.

What needs to happen is for a more educated consumer. A great example of this is what is happening in the fast food industry. Consumers are finally realizing that most of the choices are not healthy and stopped purchasing them. When that happens things change. $$ makes all the difference you see.

Thoughts and ramblings so to speak. I appologize for the wordiness.

Send off the letter on the email so you can make a choice later if you wish. It is better than having no choice at all.