Reverse Leg Press

I just tried out the reverse leg press for the first time today. It felt as though my glutes did almost all of the work and my hamstrings barely contributed at all.

Is this normal?

Does the lack of hamstring recruitment mean that I was doing the exercise incorrectly?


What sort of machine do you use to for reverse leg press? we’ve got something like this at our school gym - would it do the same sort of thing?

Wow. That thing looks awesome. I think you could probably get the same effect frm doing really heavy sled drags, or that’s at least what I have done. Good movement.

The glutes are much larger and more powerful than the hamstring muscle, which is a “tendonis” muscle, and therefore will contribute more to overall power production. so, assuming your equipment was fairly similar to what i posted above, you’d expect the glutes to do most of the work - just like you would expect them to do when you’re sprinting as well.

its a squat lying down…and puts unwarranted
stess on your shoulder… quat it better for you.


I just do them on a regular horizontal leg press machine. It’s pretty awkward.

Yeah that makes sense.

I feel most posterior chain exercises much more in the glutes than the hamstrings.

use a Reverse Hyper with diff tempo protocols. Raise fast lower fast…raise fast-hold-lower under control. Fantastic piece of equip.