Re-introducing SE

I’ve been following CFTS planning and only working distances up to 60m for Phase 1 -
Should I start to incorperate SE soon if I plan to run some competitive 200’s as early as april ?
Bearing in mind I’ve only been training speed for 8 months and that I’ve only got 2 more competitive 60’s in Feb and March .
I’m sort of feeling physically that I might benefit from something over 60m

How about gradually working your way up to the 200m distance over time starting first with distances ranging from 80-120m. If you go out to 200m too soon after nothing longer than 60m you’ll find yourself really struggling after about 80-100m. You are probably right that soon you will need to start in with some longer FAST sprints. However, too much too soon could compromise some of your 60 work so add in a little at a time. If you have until April before you run a 200 it is not that important that you do it now. Wait untill late Feb or early March before you do anything longer than 120(imho).

In regards to the SE day how little would you want to squat on that day, (if you had to) if you were doing say 2x150 1x120?

Yes you should start it early if your a 200m sprinter. If you want to be an effective 200m sprinter you have to train with 300m at least at some point in your training.

Start off with 3x120 then
Phase 1 3x150 or 3x200 6-8 minutes rest (85%)
Phase 2 3x200m or 300,200,150 (same)

Theres no recipe really whatever works for you. It all depends on when you plan on running your first 200m in competition.

I might move from 2x150, and 120 (420m total) to 2x200 (400m) instead of 3x.

If he has not done anything longer than 60m, should there, as I believe, be a gradual move towards longer distances. 80m to100m to 120m and so on?

Cheers fellas - I’ll start some 80’s in feb and try a 10m max increase per week - that would take me to 120m by march and 160m by april .
The first competetive 200 would be early april so although it’ll be a shock hopefully it won’t kill me .
Using 200’s for tempo from end of feb might help too maybe .

Yup! (An answer in the “Pioneer spirit”)

should SE be done in blocks or standing?