question on squats as calisthenics

In CFTS page 42 Charlie states the ff. on calisthenics: “A sprinter must have full control of his body and should handle his bodyweight easily”.

On page 3 Charlie states that: “most sprinters are unmade due to inappropriate training… the conversion of white fast twitch fiber into red endurance fiber”.

My question is: Will high rep bodyweight squats be ok to include in a sprinting program? Or will this cause the leg muscles to transition into red fibers?

anyone :confused:

As long as you can do the squats without engaging your white fibers, then there will not be any conversion. This is the same argument why tempo runs don’t cause “downconversion” of fibers. That kind of begs the question, though. How do you know if you are using red or white fibers?

For tempo runs, we make sure to go at <75% speed. I’m not sure what the equivalent is for weights.