power drive??

How many guys use pd on every running day? Can I take to much of it or take it to often what are your thoughts?

I’ve used Powerdrive here and there… I like it; I never really noticed much when I used one serving, but I used 1 1/2 servings today and was very focused on my 225 bench press test (felt very driven and mental clarity was great). I could muster up 7 reps last week; I did 9 today… Was it the powerdrive? Who knows, but I felt a lot better after adding 2 reps to my 225 pound bench press test. :cool:

It definitely helps maintain focus- good for exams too!

Just read up on this PowerDrive stuff…sounds very interesting. Is it available in the UK?
Charlie/others would you say that it works in the same way Redbull does? If not is this something you could/would use alongside caffine for increased concentration and focus?

Dont’t want to take the thread away from Powerdrive, but the ingredients of Red Bull are:

carbonated water, sucrose, glucose, sodium citrate, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, inositol, niacin, D-pantothenol, pyridoxine HCL, vitamin B12, artificial flavours, colors

So I guess it does not only work very different, but is not very healthy as it is basicaly a caffein-taurin-vit b combo with a lots of sugar and gas…

I’d like to know what you guys think about a supplement like:

(please don’t laugh) Weiders Liquid Speed Booster Plus II

it contains:

• 2,1 g Protein
• 1,4 g Carbs
• <1g Fat
that is:
• 400 mg Taurine
• 150 mg Coffein from Guarana
• 500 mg L-Arginine
• 500 mg L-Ornithine
• 500 mg L-Methionine

you should check into
chocamine and l-tyrosine powder. Great stack and gives excellent energy.

It’s the tyrosine that keeps your concentration up and tyrosine blocks out tryptophan so you don’t get dozy.

Just did ia little research regarding L-Tyrosine. Seems to be quite powerful - according to medical doctors, too.
Read that it is even used used against mild forms of depression (like Phenylalanin).

Additionally to being a pre-form of neuro-transmitters it produces Adrenaline, Noradremaline, Trijodthyronine and Thyroxin in your body.

The dose of 3000mg in Powerdrive seems to be quite high, though.

Can it be used regularly? Should usage be reduced to training sessions when going for a PB?
Does the body get used to it and needs more and more taking it over a longer period of time?

Probably best to save it for times when you’re ready to PB. You eventually adapt to everything over time, unless you up the servings or dosages throughout the day. I only tend to use it when I’m studying for a big exam, going for a max effort lift in the gym, or a big track meet. Stuff works though!!

Thanks for that guys…got in touch with the company direct…got some PowerDrive on its way to me now. I’ll let you know how I go with this product.

I’ve used PD for many years now and I do like it.

It’s a very nice tasting good slow-burn mental stim.

Very nice in warm green tea for studying or writing.

It is not even ‘close to powerful’ though as a pre-workout stim… for this I’d use other herbs and start looking down routes like chocamine (as Chris pointed out) etc.

I’ve used it mostly post early-am workouts now in recent times as a mental and ‘CNS’ regenerator postworkout to help me through the rest of the day.

Its effect does slow down over time and it is certainly best to use only on hard days.

One thing to take into account too is that it is a real ‘shotgun’ product.
i.e. everything is in it.

For a more targetted approach have a look at trying out the individual products such as Tyrosine and Phenalyaine (sic).
PH is a pre-cursor to tyrosine so could be used as a ‘longer’ half-life stim if that makes sense.

Have a look at SNACs Vitalsye too.

I agree to look at Vitalyse. I’ve sued both but mre for the purposes of writing or reading

I think you could use some right about now :smiley:

That was funny.

I’ve got an OL competition this weekend and I’ve got some spare L-Tyrosine. How long before my first lift should I take it? I’ve never tried it for performance before.

Probably 30-45min before.

Try it in training first! Taking anything for the first time in competition is a bad idea, even just tyrosine.

Yep I’ve read it can make some people ‘wired’ or ‘bouncing off the walls’. I was going to try some today at at work :slight_smile: but forgot them (weds was last training before the comp). I’m going to risk it, it’s not an important competition (no comp will be unless I get to the nationals and competing for a prize), but I would like to beat a guy who trains at our gym who is just a bit ahead of me in training.

I do get a bit more out of the buzz of competitions though (I never get excited in training) and the tyrosine might enhance that.