hey guys I have been on “the soup diet” and i tonned up but I need to get more muscle how do i do that??I have a protien drink after training everyday, the only weights we do is squats the rest is chin ups, chinny sit ups and push ups the other thing i have noticed is since i have gone off the soup diet I’m losing a bit of tone and maybe putting on more weight, i only have 5 weeks still nationals, anyone get any suggestions???
Are you a body builder? What do you do?
You want more muscle and you are eating “SOUP”? Is that real soup? Kinda like saying you want to attract women so you rub excrement all over your body…but if your soup is pureed t-bones or liquified salmon then you are okay.
nah i’m no body builder I’m a 400/100 runner but i went on the soup diet to cut up but now i need to build more muscle for power and the fact that I’m to skinny, but I’m being told all different stuff at the moment I’m having a protein drink after training everyday the only weights my training group does is squats, so if i wanna build my arms shoulders do i have to hit the gym in the off season and what should i do with thr protein i know it builds muscle how much and when is it best to take to build muscle/power?
thats bad lol
also, check out www.testosterone.net
Bear in mind this is a website for bodybuilders, but, it has alot of great info on nutrition (obviously strength training). Just be careful how you implement this into your program.
Any queries, just give us a shout - we are a friendly bunch here.