Minimize Decelaration

I know we have hit this a few times but I would like to get some thoughts on how to minimize decelaration in the 100m.

Med ball throws…
circuit training 8-12reps…
speed endurance work…
improving top speed…

Anyone care to join in?

I’d say improved your top speed and smile when you run.

I cant smile when Im losing ground after 60m. :mrt:

I agree with the previous posts. I also suggest not raising your hand in victory;).

The 300m is interesting- but not the key to finishing the 100m. Spec end 1- 8 to 15 sec is the key- that is until the speed through the finish is pretty much even- as it is with most top sprinters. After that, any additional improvement comes from higher speed potentials achieved by alactic means (full recovery- runs under 8 sec duration).

As to be expected Charlie hits the nail right on the head. For a specifically 100m runner, you want to work on the endurance that will carry you through the 100m line without a dramatic drop off in speed, but not so much the 200m line (achieved from longer special endurance). Increasing top speed first will mean faster times, but you will still lose that speed at the end - hence the need for inclusion of both special endurance and top speed work in the training regimen.

The 300m is interesting- but not the key to finishing the 100m. Spec end 1- 8 to 15 sec is the key- that is until the speed through the finish is pretty much even-

I do not understand you there, Charlie. Could you elaborate? Are you saying that good 300 meter speed endurance has little to do with the ability to run a 100 meters fast?