Mexico salute redux

Originally published in the Guardian on 18 October 1968
John Samuel The Guardian, Monday 18 October 2010 Article history

Highlights from the Olympic Games of 1968, which were held in Mexico City. They were the first Games to be held in a developing country, and the first in Latin America Link to this video MEXICO CITY, OCTOBER 17

Although every athletics expert was aware that the United States Negro athletes might protest, the manner of it surprised many in the Olympic Stadium here last night.

It was more restrained and yet more effective than some had thought. There was the possibility that Tommie Smith or John Carlos, overwhelming favourites for the sprint events, might refuse to appear at the medals ceremony. In fact, both showed a keen awareness of the publicity values involved, and their appearance in black socks and black scarves, and each with a single black glove, Smith’s on the right hand, Carlos’s on the left, showed a knowledge of public relations equalled only by Cassius Clay, now Muhammad Ali.

At the press conference afterwards, the same awareness was apparent. The representatives of the world’s press crowded into a room perhaps 40 feet by 30. The organisation insisted that questions and replies were put in English, Spanish and French.

International press conferences usually begin with pussy-footing questions of remarkable banality. The first question to Carlos was why he looked over his left shoulder and whether it cost him second place – a good technical question, but utterly remote from the emotional context of the occasion.

Carlos answered it carefully, saying that he was a little troubled with a leg and wanted to make sure that Smith was all right and could come through. This ignored the aspect that the Australian, Peter Norman, was on his right side and came bursting through to take second place in a manner neither US runner could have appreciated.

Questions concerning which coach had meant most to Smith was hooted off court by all except the conscientious interpreters, who went through question and formal reply in all three languages. Finally Carlos lost patience and burst out with the statement: “We are black and we are proud to be black in white America.” Black Americans, he said, would understand the nature of their demonstration. “We are not a show horse doing a performance, so if we do a good job we get paid some peanuts. All through these Olympics I hear them say, ‘Boy, boy, boy, you’re doing well.’ I am tired of that. I want the whole press of the world to hear what I say and either say it as I say it or not say it at all.”

The US team officials were obviously left with a problem. What, if any, disciplinary action should be taken? “I’d pack them all back home,” one British official said trenchantly. He perhaps has no White House to deal with.

John Samuel