Imposters cash in on Bolt

Bolt’s ‘fake representatives’ dismiss by management

There are concerns within the camp of world and olympic triple gold medallist, Usain Bolt, that impostors are posing as representatives of the athlete.

These concerns forced Bolt’s management to issue the following statement:

"There has been a recent flurry of ‘impostors’ who are posing as representatives of the team and we would like to clear this up immediately.

"The Management Team for Usain Bolt would like to announce that the following people listed are the only ones authorized to represent him at this time.

Norman Peart is Team Bolt’s Business & Commercial Manager, Glen Mills his coach and Ricky Simms through PACE Sport Management is his Track and Field Agent.

Gina Ford is his US Agent with responsibility for Marketing and Global Branding while Carole Beckford is his Publicist.

Since Bolt’s electrifying performances, started at the the Beijing Olympics with world marks of 9.69 and 19.30 to win the sprints, then those marks were lowered to 9.58 and 19.19 for World Championships honours last year in Berlin, several persons across the world tried to benefit in various ways.

It is hoped that this announcement will clear up the matter as to who are Bolt’s authorised representatives.