in his book Charlie francis explain that an athlete who have the leg with excessive glute fold, haven’t the capacity to use harmstring as hip extensor.
Now i discovered i have this problem but i haven’t a reverse leg press (i have a elastic band and i think about use this in a wayto train it). I wan’t to know how can I train ham to improve this.
same excercise? EMS?
Train like a sprinter:
1: Fast sprints
2: Jumps/Throws
3: Heavy squats and ol’s
And everything else should fall in place.
Romanian deadlifts and GHG raises are good things to do in the weight room. EMS works. I have also played around with straight leg runs on the track to help teach hip extension.
I also train like a sprinter, in fact i want to acheive this to improve my sprint.
so I already sprint, jump, do squat.
can you explain GHG? i googled it but i don’t find it.
EMS, and leg with harmstring extended(straight leg), true?
GHG = Glute-Hamstring-Gastroc raises. You can kind of do them with a traditional back hyperextension, but there is a special machine that works better. (See:
Focus on flexing around the hip joint and pulling up with your hamstrings. I find that if I keep my knees slightly bent throughout that I get better hamstring involvement.
Maybe you were born to have a flat ass.
Are you saying he cannot train to improve these areas so why bother?
i haven’t a flat ass. on the reverse, I have a round ass, but the fold is not so evident like in the CF book. perhaps I should put a photo but i think it can be porn
the exercise seems like Glute ham raise. i’m wrong