when stretching the gluteus hip extrarotators bringing the knee to the chest and crossing it,since pushing from the feet (and creating so a lever on the knee) one guy felt pain and a crack on the fibula…he was able to run (a 100m race).But after he felt pain there(head of fibula).The pain was quite big in the night,he has to put ice.
pain still there he feels the pain when bending the knee more than 90 degree.
He did some rope jumping and bridge circuit
Pain was quite well,he was able to do speed drills.
I let him do some medball explosive lifts,bench presses(at high intensity) and EMS on Hams
He is beginning to assume Arnica
Pain a little worse.Rest
Now,is a crucial period,he has a very important race next Saturday(19).
In this week i was planning a very consistent unloading…but i have to maintain the strength and the techicque.What do you suggest??
About the injury,it seems the head of fibula is in place.Any suggestion??