Gilmore's? :S

Hello. I’m a 16 year old active soccer player. In December I got a somewhat wierd injury. 2 of them actually. Have you heard of Gilmore’s Groin/Sports Hernia? I have something similar, I just don’t think it’s one of those. Also my butt hurts. When i take a step, it kind of stings in my butt (low, just before it connects to the hamstring). When I run at full speed, i.e. a whole soccer match, I get it, and I can barley walk for 2 days, and then it sort of “heals” for some time, just not permanently :confused:

Have anyone of you had anything similar? In that case, do you know how to treat it?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Don’t take my word for it but from what I have observed most players will eventually have to undergo surgery. At least amongst professional players this seems to be the case, since most will continue to play through the injury.