NOW the Qatar 100m looks like FRAUD!!!
Wed May 17, 2006 13:21
I have attempted to stay away from the raging debate about the validity of the 100m race in Qatar, last week for obvious reasons. To the extent that I have refused to publicly release valid wind guage observations that I have.
However, this latest news release by the IAAF and Tisot timing is a total joke.
First of all, who or what is Tisot timing? I personally have never heard them associated with athletics timing at any level! Are they Omega? Or Swatch?
Secondly, anyone who is even vaguely familiar with the computerised electronic timing systems, know that the excuse given on the IAAF site is total bullshit. It is not possible to MANUALLY overide a time. The time is automatically stated depending on where the reader of the photo puts the line.
I cannot put the line at 9.766 and 9.76 comes on the monitor. The computer does all the rounding.
So how does 9.766 become 9.76, unless the program being used is in error. If that is the case, then the entire race, and the results for that meet should be thrown out.
Thirdly, even if we accept that the time was 9.766, is that the time Asafa ran in Athens? What if he ran 9.769? Then Gatlin should still be the WRH. Or if he ran 9.765 then Asafa should be the WRH.
Even though the IAAF rules indicate that the times should be in 100th of a second, I have seen countless times where ties have been broken by resorting to 1000ths.
All I have to say, based on all the current information, this stinks to high heaven
Let me repost in English. “The reader does not round times”
Wed May 17, 2006 15:46
The computer rounds the times based on where the time-reader places the cursor.
With the modern computerised timing systems, the computer takes rounding out of the hands of the operator.
So, if the reader places the cursor (line) at a spot on the picture that reads 9.765, the resulting time on the screen, scoreboard, etc. will be 9.77
If you say that the time-reader placed the cursor/line at the wrong spot, then that is a reasonable explanation.
To say that the person reading the photo rounded down and no t up, is bullshit. NOt possible.
That means that the timing software is DEFECTIVE!!!