Fat intake

In the last ‘phase’ of my diet, I’ll be eating high protein, moderate fat and low carb. Like a modified Zone/Atkins diet.

I’ll be more serious, measuring food this ‘phase’. How do I work out how much fat I’ll need?

I don’t want a direct answer, on how much fat I need now. I want to know the methodology, how I work out how much fat I need.

I’ll judge by mirror, hoping there’s an answer to my q’s though.

perhaps you might have a better idea about the amounts you need from the other two and the rest will be fat?

just a thought…

Are you trying to maximize fat loss?

How would I work out what ‘‘the rest’’ is though? Guessing by total calories?

I was thinking of doing it that way, but thought there might be an easier way?

Yeah, I’m trying to plan it out first.

sorry, i thought you might have an idea of how many grams of protein you need and with how many CHO you are ok and the fat-bit would be the rest…

but i guess, if you knew that you wouldn’t ask :o

I know how much protein/carbs I need. I don’t get how I work out what ‘‘the rest’’ is?

Did you mean by just adding as much fat as I can, without unbalancing calories out>in?

If you know how much protein/carbohydrates you need, and you have a caloric goal in mind, or even just an ideal ratio, it’s simple. Simply total up the calories from your ideal amount of protein and carbs, and then subtract that from your total caloric goal. What you have left over is your caloric intake from fat. Divide that by 9 and you will have a good estimate of the number of fat grams you should be taking in each day.


That’s what I meant.

I probably use the wrong terminology.

yes, that’s what i meant, or what whitechocolate says

it sounds simple, but then again, it might be…

all the best and let us know how it goes after some time!