It is not yet published anywhere, but it can be downloaded here
The file “Concurrentstrategiesinstrengthtraining.pdf” has exceeded its allocation of a maximum 100 downloads.
Can you please send me a copy, you have my email address.
100 people downloaded it? Geeez That is awesome. Here is John, I refreshed the link.
thanks, I’ll have a read later.
The only message which I get is - there was an error opening this document. The file cannot be found.
I read it, well written.
times 3…
Maybe you need newer Adobe Reader, 7.0 or 8.0? Other people told me that they had troubles opening, but please try couple of times. If not I will post it at other service when I come home.
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Try with this one
yousendit worked. thanks…
(I have 7.0 already)
Duxx, 19 pages! Can you condense the info to a paragraph or so. I’m not doubting the need for the length, but if you can sum it up in a paragraph or page, do so in a post here will you.
The tables and classificationa are space consuming. The text is dense I guess
Do you want feedback on it or not ?
I would love to hear both negative and positive feedback. Any feedback is highly appreciated.