Got an e-mail about this new precision nutrition that John Berardi is marketing. Does anyone have it or have any firsthand feedback on it. I know very little about his work but have heard others on here talk about him.
I don’t have all the package he is selling just now … though I do have the DVD I think somewhere.
To be honest what he’s been saying over the past few years is pretty much what is on his webpages and T-nation.
I don’t think there is anything nuclear in there … but perhaps someone who has bought the package can talk about the other stuff.
But he admitted recently that the basis for his stuff is very much the same from a few years back.
His DVD is basically the same as the Nutrition E-book but read out… I’d say save your money and just purchase his ebook.
Havn’t seen his new stuff.
I have the package… you can get almost the exact same material by getting his gourmet nutrition book and printing off his articles.
I love it. If you don’t have the no nonsense nutrition dvds and you’re interested in learning more about nutrition, then I believe that precision nutrition is a great purchase. I did get duplicate because I already had the no nonsense nutrition dvd and the gourmet nutrition e-book, but I ordered precision nutrition anyway (and even got a discount for mentioning that to the good dr.). I am a trainer though so I reference the material a lot more than most.
I have it. Its good. Not earth shattering but def. a good start with very good basic points. For the money I dont think you can go wrong. Even if you get it to hand out to some of your athletes/clients/friends so they dont think what youre telling them is bullshit.
It’s worth having, as it’s a system, not just a plan. It teaches you how to adjust using out-come based planning. Also the more you re-read it the more in depth you notice it really is.
It isn’t earthshattering, but that’s what good about it, it’s made to be applicable.