Anyone know where i can get a hardcopy of Training for Speed?

Anyone know where i can get a hardcopy of Training for Speed?


I’d try E-Bay.


I’ve been watching Ebay for a copy for 2 months with no listings.

I’d try Alibris.

(remember its been out of print for more than 15 years).


Ebay item # 280181693252.
Yours for a mere 300 dollars.

Its on ebay for 34.99$.

What item# is (was) that?

Edit: My bad that is for Speed Trap.

Forget hardcover, is this book available in paperback anymore? The TFS I mean.

I had the this book stolen from me twice!

I saw a copy of CFTS on for 299.00!!! (paperback)

I’m looking for Training for Speed (paperback) which is slightly different than the CFTS.

If anyone can find a link for TFS I would appreciate it. I was able to order it brand new a few times in 2001. It does not seem like this is possibe anymore though! Why isn’t the TFS available at the online store?

I just purchased a hard copy of Training for Speed. Is there a big difference between T4S and the CFTS ebook?
