would anyone be able to recommend an art therapist in/around Toronto? Especially a therapist who has done a lot of work with runners and their dodgy hamstrings. Thanks for any advice, jmf
You Crazy…Toronto is a ART heaven!
I would recommend Mike Prebeg.
Athlete’s Care 4700 Keele St -Toronto Track & Field Centre
Toronto, ON M3J1P3 View Map 416-736-5991 or 416-368-9990
Dr. Mike Prebeg, DC Certifications:
Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine, Biomechanics 416-736-5991 or 416-368-9990
SOFT TISSUE INSTITUTE 97 Front St W Suite 252, Union Station
Toronto, ON M5J 1E6 View Map 416-815-0388
Dr. Lawrence Micheli, DC Certifications:
Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine 416-815-0388
Web Site
Dr. Joseph Pelino, DC Certifications:
Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine, Biomechanics 416-815-0388
Web Site
Toronto, ON M9B 6E5 View Map 416-622-4600
Dr. Paul BiondichKin, DC Certifications:
Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine 416-622-4600
Web Site
Totum Life Science 445 King St W
Toronto, ON M5V1K4 View Map 416-979-2449
Dr. Kevin Jardine, DC Certifications:
Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine 416-979-2449
Active Therapy Clinic 2350 Bauview Ave.
Toronto, ON M4G 2M9 View Map 416-510-6710
Dr. Lisa McCabe, DC Certifications:
Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine 416-510-6710
168 Annette St
Toronto, ON M6P1P4 View Map 416767-9356
Dr. Bryan Murray, DC Certifications:
Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine 416767-9356
Sports Specilist Rehab Centre 300 York Mills Road, Suite 205
Toronto, ON M2L 2Y5 View Map 416-884-1235 or 416-385-0110
Dr. Nick Tsaggarelis, DC Certifications:
Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine, Biomechanics 416-884-1235 or 416-385-0110
Commerce Court Health Centre 30 Wellington Street West, Commerce Court South, P.O. Box #28, Commerce Court Postal Station
Toronto, ON M5L 1A1 View Map 416-214-0100
Dr. Sue DeWolfe, DC Certifications:
Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, Spine 416-214-0100
Joe Pelino is great! Had the opp. to sit and talk with him. He actually did some work on my guys too. Loves his craft!!
Dan Fichter
Hey guys,
Mike Prebeg specializes in track and Joe Palino works alot with NBA/NHL teams.
however Jeremy Graham in Whitby is also great. He went around the world with Donavan Bailey since his comeback and down in Texas.
Would company medical coverage cover him or does he charge an outrageous price? (Mike Preburg)
I need ham and heel work done.
Mike Prebeg and Mark Scappiticci are chiros working out of Toronto. I’ve relied on both with great success and both have extensive experience on the international circuit and their client list is a who’s who in track. Alejandro Elorriaga is the best with accupuncture out there and is also in high demand on the circuit. He is an MD teaching the accupuncture courses at McMaster University in Hamilton (near Toronto). Mark Lindsay works here as well, with an extensive history of working with Dan Pfaff, and still does some track work.
Hey Charlie,
Mark Lindsay sounds so familiar, wasn’t he Donovan’s Chiro? Where in T.O. can I find him?
I am presently trying to find a chiro (and some other sports med professionals) and I have heard some good things about Dr. Robert Gringmuth (Director of the clinic and CMCC instructor) from some other athletes and I had the chance to speak to him once at his clinic http://www.sportsinjuryrehab.com/ (on Jane st.).
What I like about him is that he is a Sports Chiropractor, meaning that he has done an additional 2 years study to attain his qualifications/title as a Sports Chiro; whereas other chiros are just general practitioners (4 years) and claim they know everything about athletic injuries…what a joke!!
He treats some track atheltes (sprinters), although I don’t know how specialized he is with Track per se. He also deals alot with soccer teams and other sport teams.
The best part is his fees are quite cheap when I compare them to other (general and/or sports) chiro’s ($30 for 1st visit and $10 every subsequent visit, fees include OHIP).
Charlie, have you heard of Dr. Robert Gringmuth?
Mark used to be at the Sports Institute in Mississauga before going to Texas.
Mark Lindsays protege Jeremy Graham lives in Whitby. He is massage therapists and ART and a bunch of other tricks.
Mark is often in Toronto. Check with his old clinic.
(They’re all chiros, except for Alejandro, who’s an MD)
has anyone heard of Dr. Robert Gringmuth?