10m time...not 100m...10m

my friend timed me on 10m between 1.69 and 1.90(hand timed,he was saying the “ready set go”) and I want to know if its good?

dont even bother handtiming a distance that short, the results can differ so much as you can see between your 2 runs

well. as mentioned earlier, it can be very inaccurate, but you want to know if its good relative to what??

as far as 10m is concerned, power lifters, throwers and probably middle distance runners would ALL be running sub 2 sec 10m with elite throwers and power lifters in the 1.5 range.

so 10m looks good in a way, but what about the other 90m?

Aren’t elite sprinters running 10m in about 1.8s with reaction time?

Yes, Montgomery and Powell both came in at 1.89 in their WR runs. Mitchell did 1.80 in Tokyo '91, I think that may be the fastest.

What would typical reaction time be?

Montgomery’s was. .104, Powell’s 0.150 and Mitchell’s .090

If you take out the reaction time, the fastest first 10m is 1.69 which has been done a few times.

Yeah so no offense greatwhitehope but I doubt you are under 2 seconds with reaction time