(100/200) Sprint Training Journal

800m run on track
45 minutes of football

3x100m on grass at 70% speed
5x10m sprints on grass
2x50m bounding
2x30m power skips
4x10 box jumps
6x1 vertical jumps

Bench Press 4x8,8,6,8 -superset with push outs with 45 pounds

Deadlift 5x8,6,6,3,2
Glute kick backs 4x8
Knee raises 3x12
Bicep Curls burnout set
Forarm curls burnout set
Dips to failure with 25 pounds

It was raining outside so we stayed in for Phys.ed class and did a 5 minute jog in the gym plus some basic drills. Then played an hour of basketball, half way through I fell really badly :mad: and now my right elbow and right knee is really fucked up. ugh! Got through the rest of the class and felt really tired throughout the day, just took the rest of the day off and probably doing the same tomorrow.

Decided to workout today and felt pretty good.

Bench Press 6x8,6,6,6,5,4
One arm seated rows 3x8
Chest Flys 3x12
DB Shrugs 2x20 + 1 burnout set
Bicep Curls 2x8 + 1 burnout set
Grip work
2x90 seconds crunches
Weighted oblique crunches

4x100m on grass at 70% speed
2x 30m bounding
2x 15m powerskips for height
4x8 box jumps
3x6 side to side jumps for height (6 on each side)
3x6 Rhythm knee tuck jumps

3x 10m Uphill bounding
2x backward extension uphill run
5x 10m uphill sprints
4x 10m sprints on flat grass
3x 15m uphill sprints
5x 15m sprints on flat grass

Squats (parallel) 5x8,6,6,6,6
Leg Press 5x8,8,8,8,6
Glute Kick backs 2x12
Hamstring curls 4x8
Seated Calf Raises 2x15

How’s the knee?

Knee felt better really quickly, im surprised but hey good enough :smiley:

Bench Press 4x10,10,8,4
Incline DB Press 3x10,8,10
Bent Over Rows 3x8
Lat Pull Down 3x10
Bent Over Lateral Raise 3x12
Forarm Curls 3x10
Grip work

1km run warm up

50 minutes of soccer


Mine is at 90%. I can finally sprint at full speed. But Im taking one more week off. 2 weeks of rest and right on schedule for the program Im following.


Keep it up man. You gotta be the runningback :smiley:

Took a few days off to allow my body to recover a bit, and now today I started again full steam ahead with track work and gym work.

2x100m on grass at 70% speed
Variety of hopping drills
3x30m hills at 80% speed

3x5x20m hill sprints
2x5x20m backward hill sprints
3x15m on flat grass

6x8 box jumps
3x5 rhythm hop/jump
3x10m side to side jumps
3x5 one leg jump

3x5 jumps + 10m run off

Bench Press 5x11,10,8,6,5
One Arm Bench Rows 3x8
Bent Over Laterals 4x12
Squats (parallel) 5x12,8,8,6,6
Leg Press 4x10
Glute kick backs 3x15

10x150m tempo on grass at 60% speed

Bench Press 6x12,10,10,8,6,3
Incline DB Press 3x10
Bent Over Laterals 4x12
Bicep Curls 4x12
Wrist Roller 3 sets with 15 pounds

4x50m build up acceleration to 80% speed
3x5x20m hill sprints

4x8 box jumps
2x15 seconds side to side jumps over box
4x8 single leg jumps over box

Squats 4x8,10,10,8 (slightly below parallel)
Leg Press 4x12,10,8,6

had gym today, and other than that just relaxing today

Bench Press 7x12,10,8,6,3,1,1
Box Squats 4x10,8,6,6
Deadlifts 4x6,6,5,4
Barbell Shoulder Press 3x12,10,10
Bent Over Laterals 4x12,10,10,8

rest :cool:

3x200 seconds skipping (jump rope)
4x100m at 75% speed
2x300m at PB pace-6 minutes rest
4x15m hill sprints
4x25 yard sprints on flat grass

1x6 box jumps + 10m run off
2x6 box jumps
1x8 side to side jumps
2x single leg box jumps
2x 6 jumps per leg over box for height and distance